What Do Wild Rabbits Eat?

What Do Wild Rabbits Eat

Are you worried sick about those adorable wild rabbits in your backyard?

Wondering what in the world they eat?

Well, hold your carrots because we've got the scoop. ๐Ÿ“

Let's find out together, shall we?

Wild Rabbit Diets: Natural Preferences and Feeding Basics

Wild Rabbit Diets: Natural Preferences and Feeding Basics
To ensure you feed wild rabbits right, just scatter a mix of grass, plants, flowers, veggies, fruits, bark, and roots all over your yard. Add some hay, fresh water, and once in a while, dried treats. Stick to 65-120g of food each day and they'll be healthy.

Here's what you need to know about feeding wild rabbits:

  1. Feed them during the early morning and evening hours when they're most active.
  2. Include woody bushes, twiggy bushes, and select trees in their habitat for cover and food sources.
  3. Their plant-based diet includes grass, leafy plants, flowers, wildflowers, vegetable plants, weeds, fruits, bark, and roots.
  4. Grass is important, but you should offer them a diverse range of foods to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.
  5. They eat around 65-120g of food per day, so give them enough to eat.
  6. Scatter the food on the lawn so they can forage naturally like they would in the wild.
  7. Supplement their diet with hay, vegetables, fresh drinking water, and occasionally dried fruits or veggies.

When feeding wild rabbits, mimic their natural feeding habits and provide a variety of food options to meet their nutritional needs! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Main points I'll expand upon further down this article:

  1. Plain brown pellets without added sugar are recommended for feeding wild rabbits.
  2. Fresh water should be provided, especially in dry climates or during dry spells.
  3. Wild rabbits may struggle to get enough nutrients without formulated rabbit food.
  4. To keep wild rabbits happy and healthy, provide a variety of vegetation and set up feeders.

But here's the thing...

Can I Feed a Wild Rabbit?

Their diet in the wild consists mostly of grass, leafy greens, and herbs. So when you give them food, try to match that.

But here's a cool trick:

Plant edible plants that rabbits like in your garden or yard.

It'll attract wild rabbits and give them natural food.

You might even catch them chowing down on dandelions, clovers, or wildflowers!

Just bear in mind that rabbits need a calm and uninterrupted place to eat.

Feeding them in your yard is okay.

Just don't disturb your neighbors or bring in unwelcome predators.

Can I Feed a Wild Rabbit?
You might want to give those wild bunnies a meal, but it's smarter to let them do their own scavenging. In case you stumble upon one in your yard, some fresh veggies, hay, or a bit of grass can be a delightful treat for them. Just please keep in mind that letting them remain untamed is what gives them the best shot at making it out there.

We definitely don't want any trouble, right?

Also, you have to note that having wild rabbits as pets is not a good idea.

They have specific needs that are better met in their own habitat.

And there could be legal restrictions against it too.

In fact, wild rabbits are really skilled at surviving on their own out there.

They can find food, water, and shelter without any help. Trying to tame them goes against their nature, so it's best to leave them alone.

So, if you come across a wild rabbit in your yard and you want to be helpful, go ahead and offer them some tasty treats like fresh veggies, hay, or a pinch of fresh grass.

But always remember, letting wild rabbits stay wild is the wisest choice!

And oh, by the way, if you're wondering about rabbits and their diet, I actually have a handy article that will answer all your questions.

Curious to know if rabbits can eat grass from the yard?

Feeding Wild Rabbits in Captivity

Here's how to care for wild rabbits in captivity:

  1. Give them plenty of space, so they can move around comfortably.
  2. Add woody bushes and select trees for them to hide and take shelter in.
  3. Offer plain brown pellets without any added sugar - it's better for them.
  4. Keep bowls of fresh water available, especially in dry areas.
  5. Make sure they have access to specially formulated rabbit food.
  6. Mix in some vegetables and hay to supplement their diet.
  7. Plant a variety of vegetation for them to munch on.
  8. Use feeders to make feeding them easier and more convenient.
  9. Allow them enough room to run and hop freely - they need exercise!
  10. If you have any concerns about their diet, consult a veterinarian.

Wild rabbits have specific nutritional needs, which can be met by combining formulated rabbit food, fresh veggies, and plenty of opportunities to graze.

Feeding Wild Rabbits in Captivity
When feeding wild rabbits you keep a balance. You mix plain brown pellets, fresh veggies, and different greens for grazing. Also, add woody bushes for shelter, make sure there's fresh water for them, and provide enough space to exercise. And if you're unsure about what they eat, ask a vet.

By creating the right habitat and providing the proper diet, you'll ensure the health and well-being of the wild rabbits in your care.

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Vegetables?

Wild rabbits love their veggies.

Some commonly consumed vegetables in the diet of these critters include kale, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, and small amounts of fruits like strawberries.

You can also give cultivated fruits and vegetables to wild rabbits. They don't mind munching on some delicious produce, even if it's not straight from the wild.

Vegetable scraps are also safe to feed them.

Carrot tops, broccoli leaves, and apple peels make for tasty treats that they will happily munch on.

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Vegetables?
You know, rabbits go for veggies. They dig leafy greens like kale and lettuce, plus they're into a little bit of fruit like strawberries. And don't forget about those carrot tops and apple peels, they're quite the treat.

However, you might want to avoid giving them non-native plant species, just to be safe. Stick with the leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and Swiss chard.

Fresh vegetables such as kale or cabbage are also great options to offer our furry friends.

So the next time you spot a wild rabbit nibbling away, consider sharing some of your veggie trimmings for a happy and well-fed bunny!

Now, you might be wondering how to properly transition orphaned baby rabbits from milk to solid foods.

It's an important step in their development and can greatly impact their health.

But don't worry, we've got all the guidance you need to ensure a smooth journey for these little bunnies:

Transitioning Orphaned Baby Rabbits to Solid Foods

Transitioning orphaned baby rabbits from milk to solid foods can be a delicate process.

When it's time for these cute, fluffy creatures to say goodbye to the bottle and venture into the world of hay and fresh vegetables, you need to take it slow.

Start by introducing small amounts of hay to their diet, allowing them to nibble and explore.

Transitioning Orphaned Baby Rabbits to Solid Foods
You gotta know that vegetables are real important for a wild rabbit's chow. But don't go crazy and stuff 'em all at once or their stomach will get twisted up. Begin with greens, like lettuce, then work your way up to tougher veggies, like carrots. Take your time and see what flavors they dig the most.

Next, gradually introduce fresh vegetables, such as leafy greens or carrot tops.

Remember, patience is key.

Observing the bunnies closely during this transition will help you determine when they're ready for more solid foods.

By taking your time and providing gentle guidance, you'll give these little hop-alongs the best chance at a healthy and happy diet.

What to AVOID Doing When Feeding Wild Rabbits

When you're feeding wild rabbits, there are a few things you want to steer clear of, buddy.

First off, stay away from processed foods, seeds, nuts, and the rabbit stuff you find at the pet store.

That kind of grub can mess up their health.

On top of that, don't give them potatoes, tomatoes, onions (even garlic), corn, beans, or avocado. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Those foods ain't good for rabbits and could poison 'em.

Be careful when it comes to store-bought rabbit chow too.

Some of those brands have fake preservatives or additives that can hurt the bunnies.

Instead, get them pellets that are packed with all the vitamins they need and made especially for rabbits.

And try not to toss bread and crackers their way.

Sure, they might gobble 'em up, but those snacks won't give wild rabbits the proper nutrients they need to thrive.

Now, here's an important tip:

Keep pesticides and fertilizers outta your yard, pal.

Those chemicals can be real bad news if the rabbits accidentally stumble upon 'em.

To protect your precious garden, use physical barriers or repellents to keep these fluffballs out.

Last thingโ€”don't go overboard with the feeding.

You gotta maintain a balanced and healthy diet for the wild rabbits, amigo.

And that's a wrap for today.

If you wanna read more of my useful articles, I recommend you check out some of these: Rabbits' Suitability for Oats Consumption, Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms Without Getting Poisoned, Can Rabbits Eat Green Beans, Are Sweet Potatoes Safe for Rabbits, and Can I Feed Rabbits Pumpkin

Until next time,

-Lucy Larson

Lucy Larson

Hey there, my name is Lucy Larson, and this is my blog, Rabbitia. Here you'll find all kinds of super useful guides on rabbit care, health and wellness, diet, hydration, and so on. So make yourself at home because this is the place for all rabbit owners, new and experienced alike! :)